Sunday, November 21, 2010

Dyson Vacum Cleaners

First and foremost because of pride for the amount of money spent many people have a hard time  giving  an objective view point on their purchase so here is THE HARD TRUTH about Dyson vacuums.

We all see the Dyson advertisements on TV ect, and some may wonder are they as good as Mr Dyson says they are...

My Wife and I had a Kenmore Canister from  Sears this to lasted 15 years until by accident it sucked up water that was on a carpet and that was the end of its days.We later fixed it with a used motor and its still hopping along.

Now to the Dyson we decided to invest in the BEST and that is supposed to be Dyson engineered to suck everything you throw at it. Well I got to tell you it sure does suck the dirt out of your carpets.
But that's about it !

You see when we buy an item like a vacuum its to make our work easier especially since it cost top dollar, with the Dyson Animal DC 23, we have more work than ever,since we have this vacuum it has been sent back from day one 4 times in 3 years.

First problem,
the Dyson stopped working, called tech support  after spending 30 min to an hour trying to troubleshoot the problem told us he would send a box and to ship it back.
I must say they are fast to get you vacuum back to you working.The problem was the plug which is to fragile and the connection pins break easily.

Second problem,
once again it stops working this time its the motor it tries to start but shuts off right away,call the techs again did the same as before tech says send it back as before. We get it back fast as usual approx 10 days working. The problem was the carpet cleaner kept tripping the fuse.

Third problem,
again the Dyson doesn't suck...What my Dyson doesn't suck that cant be, before I call the tech I tried to see if there is debris in the hose nope nothing there I take a flashlight and look again this time with the rigid handle stem closed (Dyson handle stem is telescopic) voila debris I remove it and notice that there is an obstruction seems to be wires in the hose that closed the opening down to the size of a nickle,I'm not an engineer but that made no sense to me call Dyson..this is where it gets stupid they tell me to take another vacuum and try to suck the obstruction out leave it for 20 minutes they say.What if we didn't have an other vacuum we would be up shit creek again.

20 min later no go call back this time tell the tech guy about the wires inside he tells me it was specifically designed that way for optimum results. That was it for me You trying to tell me that this was done on purpose laughing at him I can hear the pages turning as he tries to give me an answer.Final answer I got was to send it back again.

I get it back took the flash light looked down the stem and guess what   no obstruction I guess they found it was a design flaw and decided to fix it.

Now the Fourth problem,

loll it quits working again my wife tells me, NO this cant be this is the top of the line in vacuum.

This time it was the plug again still to fragile.

The Dyson makes me remember a Star Trek movie where the brand new Excelsior spaceship Engineered for speed ect was going to chase the enterprise and older under engineered ship , before you know it the excelsior just stalls...later Scotty tells Captain Kirk the reason why they got away is that they over engineered the excelsior and made it so compact that anything can block the warp engine and cause it to stall.
So is the Dyson what they say it is well yes it sure does suck, but like the Excelsior, a Dust Bunny can stall the Dyson and you will have to get it repaired.

The Dyson went through the same cleaning that our Kenmore went through nothing more, if anything it has less since we only have a small dog with the Dyson, and had a very big dog with the Kenmore.
their is so much maintenance on this thing that it makes our Kenmore look like a king of vacuums. 

Other things worth mentioning:

  • The hose is a cheap plastic that easily kinks.
  • The whole vacuum seems to be a cheap plastic.
  • The floor cleaner is the worst I have seen.
  • If you lift the Dyson vacuum while working with it you will hear air being sucked in from the area where the canister connects the the main body there is a rubber seal but is not sealed well enough hence obviously reducing the sucking power.
  • No on off on handle.
  • Overpriced for what you get

I remember as a boy my mother owned a Hoover canister vacuum , she still had it when I went out on my own, this thing was bullet proof, and had a long life just like our Kenmore and I'm sure other brands.

Is Dyson`s claim to fame due to Hype and marketing YES. Once again an inferior product sells for much more than other brands that perform just as well, and gets it`s price all because of Hype and marketing!

There was a time that manufacturers made goods that were quality built and you got your moneys worth they were proud of there products maybe cause it was made in the same country.

Would I buy another Dyson never!
Would I recommend a Dyson never!



  1. The dyson is an item that is made to flank the outer edges of swanky , all wood flooring in a $500,000 plus house where in the other room, resides a cleaning lady with central vac in the garage. Your words are exact and the product is even worse ... how many dysons will be around 50 years from now.. let alone 10 years? How many electroluxe / sears brand canister rolling vacs from the 50s to 80s will be running like champions? Most of them.

  2. Its been a while since this post, but since that time the Dyson has been sent to the garage as my car cleaning vac, and a hell of a expensive vac to clean your car.

    We have sworn off products from the sheep style marketing companies like Dyson that has a truly inferior product but due to the high price and advertising , people"SHEEP" follow thinking if its expensive its crazy expensive it must be good.

    We ended up going Central vac and have not looked back!! What were we thinking when we bought the Animal and handheld Dyson. Both units are a problem, Dyson you should be ashamed of yourselves but capitalism allows you to take our money and smile.
